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LG started launching Android 6.0 ,Marshmallow G4 next week

LG started launching Android 6.0 ,Marshmallow G4  next week 

Phone manufacturers are already gearing up to update their devices to the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS, as we detailed earlier, but it seems like LG G4 might be the first outside the Nexus lineup to actually receive Google’s latest. LG announced that it will start rolling out the update beginning next week, and that Poland would be the first stop on the list, with other regions such as the US, Asia, and Europe to follow, though LG has not revealed any schedule for it yet. It is a common practice among manufacturers to roll out the update to a limited-size region first, to check for any issues before a worldwide release.
LG started launching Android 6.0 ,Marshmallow G4  next week
LG started launching Android 6.0 ,Marshmallow G4  next week 
The update will just not be limited to the G4, though; LG has plans to extend it to other smartphones under its wings too.These devices would be the V10, G Flex 2, G3, and G2. LG is expected to release an official schedule for the update roll-out soon. “While speed alone isn’t an indicator of great service, it does go a long way toward giving consumers the confidence that LG is committed to its existing customers first,” LG mobile communication head Chris Yie said in a statement.

At the time of Android 5.0 Lollipop upgrade, LG followed the similar strategy of rolling out the update in Poland first. However, it then took months to finally bring it to users in the US. Even so, it is good to see that at least some Android manufacturers are taking advantage of the Developer Preview to speed up an otherwise lengthy upgrade process.
The Marshmallow update will bring along lots of good features, such as enhanced app control and permissions, battery life improvements (thanks to the ‘Doze’ mode), fingerprint support, and mobile payments. Select Nexus devices have already received the update, which has brought in the much-awaited ’Now on Tap’ feature to the platform. The new feature is a revamped version of the Google Now. Talking about Now on Tap, Google’s Vice President of Android Product Management Brian Rakowski said in a blog post, “[it] stays on task alongside you, instantly pulling up relevant info and helping you get more done.”

Other manufacturers, including Sony, Motorola, and HTC, have also announced the Marshmallow update for their own devices, although no one has announced any set timeline for the roll-out. It is not always the case that LG takes the lead in rolling out updates timely, but it’s worth noting it did so at the time of Android 5.0 Lollipop update, too. So who’s next? After LG’s announcement, we are hoping — nay, expecting — other manufacturers to cough up some news too.

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Samsung might include 3D Touch technology in its upcoming flagship Galaxy S7

Samsung might include 3D Touch technology in its upcoming flagship Galaxy S7

Samsung might include 3D Touch technology in its upcoming flagship Galaxy S7
Samsung might include 3D Touch technology in its upcoming flagship Galaxy S7

Samsung and Apple have often locked horns when it comes to near-identical design and feature specifications. It’s been more than once when Apple accused Samsung of lifting substantial features from the iPhone and in turn infringing on existing patents. This time around, rumors suggest Samsung might be planning to lift a key feature from the iPhone 6s for the company’s upcoming Galaxy S7 flagship.

As many of you may have already guessed, the feature in question is 3D Touch. Although it’s just speculation for now, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Samsung pull off such an act. Earlier, Samsung introduced the Samsung Pay feature with the Galaxy S6, which was a direct response to Apple Pay that was introduced few months before it.
This time around, Apple’s 3D Touch technology is under the limelight. 3D Touch responds to the intensity of user’s touch and can differentiate between various kinds of pressure. A report on Weibo suggests Samsung might use Synaptic’s ClearForce technology, which is similar to 3D Touch for all intents and purposes. Huawei has already used ClearForce in its new Mate S smartphone.
Synaptic has been associated with Samsung for a while now; this is not the first time Samsung may employ that company’s technology in its smartphones, thanks to earlier Galaxy Note models. There’s no confirmation yet on whether Samsung will have a 3D Touch-like feature in its upcoming flagships, so it’s best to take this with a grain of salt.
Samsung will have a 3D Touch-like

report from Vietnam says that Samsung is only going to unveil a single smartphone under its Edge lineup next year; this device could be the Galaxy S7. Even so, the Galaxy S7 Edge might come in two display variants — 5.2-inch and 5.8-inch; the larger variant is most likely to sport the curved Edge screen.
Apple’s 3D Touch technology garnered much attention even before the iPhone 6s launch, and Samsung is not the only manufacturer who is trying to get its hands on a similar technology. Huawei went one step ahead in September and introduced an exclusive variant of the Mate S smartphone with 3D Touch-like technology for carrying out functions such as zooming the image and game controls. Huawei also got a leg up on Apple by introducing the handset before the iPhone 6s launch.
To date, reviews have been generally positive on Apple’s 3D Touch, with some praising it for its intuitive control and satisfying feel, and others saying it’ll be some time before enough apps support it. For its part, although Samsung is doing well overall, it certainly has some work to do to boost sales of its Galaxy lineup, so the next-generation Galaxy S7 can’t arrive soon enough.


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Tests confirm marginal difference between Samsung, TSMC-made A9 chips in Apple's iPhone 6s
New battery test results, published on Monday, appear to support Apple's claim of little difference in the longevity of an iPhone 6s with a Samsung-made A9 chip versus one manufactured by TSMC
TSMC's chip performed marginally better in Wi-Fi browsing and GFXBench tests, but actually ranked a few points lower in WebGL scores, noted Ars Technica. For the site's comparisons, two SIM-less AT&T phones were used, each set to the same display brightness.
Kiểm tra xác nhận sự khác Centered biên Samsung, TSMC sản xuất Chip A9 in 6s iPhone của Apple

The TSMC model did do substantially better in Geekbench 3, leaping ahead of Samsung by 28 percent. Previously, Apple complained that Geekbench was "unrealistic" because it forces a phone to operate at peak CPU usage until its battery dies.
It's only under extremely CPU-intensive tasks that Samsung's A9 chip can become a detriment, Ars concluded.
Responding last week to various reports, Apple insisted that there should be no more than a 2 to 3 percent battery life gap between any two comparable 6s models. Some anecdotes hinted that the difference could be as much as two hours.
TSMC's version of the A9 is manufactured using a 16-nanometer FinFET process, whereas Samsung depends on a 14-nanometer technique. Smaller process sizes typically result in more efficient chips

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