Showing posts with label TECH TIPS. Show all posts

Sleep Timer Win XP laptop computer, Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1

Sleep Timer Win XP laptop computer, Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1

Sleep Timer Win XP laptop computer, Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1. Guide to shut down a laptop computer without using the software with just a few clicks
First you go to Start> select Run (Or at the keyboard shortcut Windows + R) copy paste this command into the Run box

Command "shutdown -s -t 6000"

Sleep Timer Win XP laptop computer, Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1
Sleep Timer Win XP laptop computer, Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1


shutdown: the keyword
-s: short for shutdown.
-t: symbol time in units seconds
6000: This is the time that you want the computer to automatically shut down from the time you set the order.
Command line to automatically shut down the computer after 6000S
The result after applying the above command:

With the win XP
With the win XP

With Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1
With Win 7, Win 8, Win 8.1

- If you want to cancel the order to shut down a computer was set up, you re going to Start> Run (Windows + R) and then copy and paste the following command in the Run box

 Conmand : "shutdown -a "
You can change the number of -r value for timed reboot computer (-r stands for Restart), -l to log off computer timer. Similar to other commands, if you remember some English terminology to create order. Otherwise, you can see that you can view on your computer by going to Start -> Run (Windows + R), type cmd in the Run box, a new window appears for you to type the following command:
The results are as follows:
The results are as follows:

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Check, check and Onboard discrete graphics on a computer, laptop

Check, check and Onboard discrete graphics on a computer, laptop

There are many ways to test your graphics card information on your computer, laptop or onboard the left, from the use of software to the tools available on Windows. Here we will summarize for you the way you can distinguish
Check, check and Onboard discrete graphics on a computer, laptop

Method 1: Use the command dxdiag in Windows
Step 1: From the Start menu, select Run, then type the command "dxdiag" and enter

Step 2: You move through the Display Card.

If the display type Intel (R) HD Graphics (as shown below) is a video card Onborad
Check, check and Onboard discrete graphics on a computer, laptop2

If the display of ATI, AMD, NVIDIA ... (as shown below), it is discrete graphics

Check, check and Onboard discrete graphics on a computer, laptop3

Option 2: Using software testing information

You can use the software to check as: Z ...... CPU, GPU-Z, or CPUID HWMonitor. With this article we use the software to test CPU Z, the same tracks you offline.
Download: CPU Z
Run the CPU Z will look like the image below. Then you move through the Graphics card.
If the display type Intel (R) HD Graphics (as shown below) is a video card Onborad
If the display of ATI, AMD, NVIDIA ... (as shown below), it is discrete graphics

If the display of ATI, AMD, NVIDIA ... (as shown below), it is discrete graphics
If the display of ATI, AMD, NVIDIA ... (as shown below), it is discrete graphics 2

In many ways you can know exactly what is that your computer is to use discrete graphics cards or Onborad, which use them for efficiency. In addition, you may refer to our article as experience purchasing a video card, or removing the onboard video card to use the card to leave
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- 1 cable punches.
- 1 terminal block RJ45.
- The network cable (length according to your demand)
Currently there are two cable standards T568A click connect 2 computers together and T568B hub connecting two computers with cable press standards include:
- Press Straight: This type is used to connect two devices together kind. Example: PC + Switch, Switch + Router
RJ-45 JACK TIA / EIA 568A Standard called Standard A.
  T568A: 1. White 2. Green 3. Green 4. Blue 5. Orange White White White Blue 6. Orange 7. Brown 8. Brown
- Press the Cross: This type is used to connect two devices of the same type together. Example: PC-PC, PC-Router ...
RJ-45 JACK TIA / EIA 568B standard STANDARD called B.
T568B: 1. 2. Orange 3. White Orange White Green Blue 4. White 5. Blue 6. Green 7. White-brown 8. Brown.

Cross-cutting cables
Step 1: You use pliers or scissors to cut the cable casing: about 4 cm
Step 1: You use pliers or scissors to cut the cable casing: about 4 cm

Step 2  : Remove the head and twisted in order: White prearranged - Orange - Blue - Green - Brown.
 Step 2 Remove the head and twisted in order: White prearranged - Orange - Blue - Green - Brown.

Step 3  : Change the white spot of white, green and blue of each other.
Step 3  : Change the white spot of white, green and blue of each other.

Step 4 Put the wires back together and using pliers to cut close to equal.

Step 5 : Your conduct wire inserted into the deep end of the cable to the wire touches the copper core.
Step 5 : Your conduct wire inserted into the deep end of the cable to the wire touches the copper core.

Step 6 : then inserted into alkaline and press hard

Step 6 then inserted into alkaline and press hard

Cable Straight Way Press
- Cut the cable cover and place the order wire 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 6 -> 4 -> 7 -> 8.
- Ratings by police again and cut back just enough not to 1 segment with RJ45.
Then the remaining steps do similar press crossover cable.
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How to Share Files Between PCs, Smartphones and Tablets

How to Share Files Between PCs, Smartphones and Tablets

How to Share Files Between PCs, Smartphones and Tablets

When it comes to sharing files these days, it’s no longer just about sharing between computers. Now your friend with an Android phone might want some videos you took from your iPhone or you may want to copy a bunch of pictures from a Windows PC to your iPad.
In this article, I hope to give you as complete a guide to sharing across devices as possible. It’s going to be long, so feel free to skip down to the section that applies to you. The sections will be broken down into sharing between computers, sharing between computers and mobile devices, and sharing between mobile devices only.
When it comes to sharing files between computers, you can break it down into two types: local sharing or remote sharing. If you need to copy some files to another computer on your local network, it will be much faster because you’ll either be using Ethernet or Wi-Fi to perform the transfer.
This is the best way to transfer a large amount of data to another computer quickly. When copying files outside of your LAN (local area network), you are limited by your Internet speed. If you have Verizon FIOS with a 75 Mbps upload/download connection (which I have now), then transferring large amounts of data to a remote computer will also be fast.
However, if you’re stuck with AT&T and have a miserable 1.5 Mbps upload speed (which I had in the past), it’ll take a long time to upload a few gigabytes of data. Let’s first talk about local data transfers.

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Instructions on how to split, merge and create drives on Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 simplest

Instructions on how to split, merge and create drives on Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 simplest. 
Instructions on how to split, merge and create drives on Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 simplest

How to split, join, create a very simple drive does not require software support.
When buying new computers, the default drive will certainly not make you happy. You can share the drive with guided discretion here without any software support. Tips apply to Windows 7 or newer.

Instructions on how to split, merge and create drives on Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 simplest

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Tests confirm marginal difference between Samsung, TSMC-made A9 chips in Apple's iPhone 6s
New battery test results, published on Monday, appear to support Apple's claim of little difference in the longevity of an iPhone 6s with a Samsung-made A9 chip versus one manufactured by TSMC
TSMC's chip performed marginally better in Wi-Fi browsing and GFXBench tests, but actually ranked a few points lower in WebGL scores, noted Ars Technica. For the site's comparisons, two SIM-less AT&T phones were used, each set to the same display brightness.
Kiểm tra xác nhận sự khác Centered biên Samsung, TSMC sản xuất Chip A9 in 6s iPhone của Apple

The TSMC model did do substantially better in Geekbench 3, leaping ahead of Samsung by 28 percent. Previously, Apple complained that Geekbench was "unrealistic" because it forces a phone to operate at peak CPU usage until its battery dies.
It's only under extremely CPU-intensive tasks that Samsung's A9 chip can become a detriment, Ars concluded.
Responding last week to various reports, Apple insisted that there should be no more than a 2 to 3 percent battery life gap between any two comparable 6s models. Some anecdotes hinted that the difference could be as much as two hours.
TSMC's version of the A9 is manufactured using a 16-nanometer FinFET process, whereas Samsung depends on a 14-nanometer technique. Smaller process sizes typically result in more efficient chips

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