Instructions on how to enable WiFi on Windows 10

Instructions on how to enable WiFi on Windows 10
Instructions on how to enable WiFi on Windows 10

Instructions on how to enable WiFi on Windows 10, shared by other wireless devices or other users easily
You are using the internet and want to share your other devices such as tablets, phones. Or share be.Ban you can apply tips below to play wifi on Windows 10, without the help of any other software.

Step 1: Right-click on the Start button (or press Windows + X), choose Command Prompt (Admin)
Step 1: Right-click on the Start button (or press Windows + X), choose Command Prompt (Admin)
Step 2: Command Prompt window opens, enter the command: "netsh wlan set mode = allow ssid = hostednetwork wifiname key = password" and press Enter - You copy and then right-click commands Command Prompt window to paste into it.
Step 2: Command Prompt window opens
Step 3: see announcement time: creating successful wifi hotspot (not yet wifi, do the next step 4).
Step 3 see announcement time  creating successful

Step 4: Type in the command: "netsh wlan start hostednetwork" to play wifi, finish typing, press Enter (appearance notice khởi The hosted network that has wifi) - You copy and then right-click commands Command Prompt window to paste

netsh wlan start hostednetwork
To replay the wifi you use "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"
To replay the wifi you use "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"


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