Facebook will alert users when the government was tracking

Facebook will alert users when the government was tracking

Facebook will alert users when the government was tracking
Facebook will alert users when the government was tracking
In a recent statement, Facebook's security manager, Alex Stamos, claiming the company will warn the user if their account was attacked by a government organization.
In the said statement, Stamos said users "suspects" were the hacker groups under government or a government attack institutions will receive alerts from Facebook, and they will recommend that users enable identification made two telephone elements (Login Approvals).

By Stamos on Facebook's official blog says social networking is particularly mindful of the hack have been involved in the government by this attack "often sophisticated and more dangerous." However, this company did not clarify the measures would use to distinguish the attacks from the government institutions and the attacks from the ordinary crime.

Announcement of Facebook given in the context of the problems of cyber war between the US and China are becoming increasingly more complex. Just last June, the US media alleges that China was behind the theft of more than 18 million government employees. President Barack Obama and President Xi Jinping then signed the agreement committed the two governments will not attack the rest of the country now.

Meanwhile, Facebook has expressed ambitions to be active in China. This ambition also means that the company's privacy to users in China and possibly in other countries will be threatened.
Monitor warnings Facebook announced

Monitor warnings Facebook announced

Currently, Facebook has not announced the details of any case of hacking by government organizations around the world perform. Nevertheless but the Army Electronic Syria, Tunisia and the Chinese government are suspected of hacking into social networking planet No.1. According honest report of Facebook, only in the second half of 2014, the US government has asked the company to provide data of 21 371 accounts, more than all governments rest of the world.


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