Watch New Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Trailer

Watch New Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Trailer
Watch New Star Wars Battlefront PS4 Trailer

PlayStation has unveiled a new live-action trailer for the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront on its YouTube channel. The video features a battle taking place on Hoth, with TIE Fighters and AT-AT walkers making appearances. While the trailer does have a disclaimer stating that the footage shown is "not actual gameplay," there are some neat special effects employed, as well as a throwback to long-time loyal Star Wars fans. You can watch the video below.
Publisher EA recently announced that Star Wars Battlefront will be getting four expansion packs that players can purchase via the game's $50 DLC pass. The announcement came with news that three new multiplayer modes will be introduced in Star Wars Battlefront; Hero Hunt, Droid Run, and Cargo. If you wish to jump into online multiplayer though, be prepared to use an external chat program to communicate with friends, as the game will not offer native in-game chat.
Star Wars Battlefront is being developed for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It is scheduled for release on November 17 in North America, and November 19 in Australia and Europe. Developer DICE has confirmed that the game will not have support for private matches at launch, although it has not completely ruled out implementing the feature in future.


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