Showing posts with label Website Tips. Show all posts

How to add a comment (comment) Facebook each post to Blogspot

How to add a comment (comment) Facebook each post to Blogspot and WEB

Now a global social networking biggest, we can say that the house Facebook, people who Facebook, so the more comments (comment) of Facebook for blogspot is necessary, just make the place a comment, chém for everyone, both easy to put the article to the reader by its viral effect. Today supertechtoday guide adding frames both chat, Facebook comments for each article on blogspot.

Step 1: Log in to your blog admin page.
On the "Form" select "Edit HTML"
Step 2: Press Ctrl F, search </ node>
Maybe you should see: Add your comment facebook app for blogspot
Insert the following code before the "</ head>" :

<script type='text/javascript'>
var purl= location.href;
var fb_href = purl.substring(0,purl.indexOf(".html")+5);
var fbcm ='<div class="fb-comments" data-href="'+fb_href+'" data-num-posts="8" data-width="766"></div>';

Note: You can replace arbitrary parameters below
data-num-posts = "8": No comments are permitted to display, if more then automatically combined.
data-width = "766px": The width of the frame comment Facebook.
Step 3: Press Ctrl F, find the </ body>
Insert the code below and before the "</ body>".

<div id='fb-root'/> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

Step 4: Copy the code below

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <script type='text/javascript'> document.write(fbcm); </script> </b:if>

usually we will move it to the end. Your Ctrl F, find the line <b: include data = 'post' name = 'post' />

Copy and paste the code above to the bottom line has found.

Note: Some templates (UI) have more than one line <b: include data = 'post' name = 'post' />, the first line you choose to find decent, then saved, if found not, we choose a different line: D

Step 5: Save and view results

Have fun !
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How to Setup a Website With a Custom Domain in 30 Minutes

How to Setup a Website With a Custom Domain in 30 Minutes
I’ve been blogging on Supertechtoday and Help Desk geek for years now, but I really can’t use them to post random thoughts, ideas, links, notes, etc since they consist of more professional content. That’s why I decided two days ago to setup another blog using the domain name I had bought a long time ago. I ended up setting it up on Tumblr, which I love since it’s so easy to use and looks great.
The whole process took me about 10 minutes to do. I’m adding 20 more minutes for telling you how to do it because you might have to spend 10 minutes buying a domain name and 10 minutes getting a little used to GoDaddy’s interface. If you have a domain name, then you can probably setup a website using Blogger in 10 minutes too. I’m going to use GoDaddy for the domain name and Tumblr for the website content management system. Of course, you can setup websites in a myriad of ways, but the point here is to go from no domain name to a fully functional website in 20 minutes.
1. Buy Your Domain Name
Buy Your Domain Name

You can buy a domain name wherever you like, but I have all of mine at, so I’ll show you the steps specific to that site. You can probably get a domain name for cheaper somewhere else and the process of buying a domain name is not really that different, so get it wherever you like. If you already have a domain name you want to setup the website for, then skip down to the next section. Go to and type in the desired domain name. If it’s available, you’ll get the Congratulations message on the next page:
Go ahead and click on the Buy It Now button. On the next page, you’ll be able to choose the term for the domain name, which is set to 2 years by default. The current price for a domain name on GoDaddy is $12.49 a year.  Go ahead and click on the Checkout button at the right:

Type in your billing info and choose your payment method. Then just click on Place Your Order. You’ll have to create a GoDaddy account to manage your domain and change settings, but first let’s setup the front-end now.

2.Video blogging guide and assign domain names GoDaddy for bloggers

Video blogging guide and assign domain names GoDaddy for bloggers

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10 Awesome Chrome Extensions You Should Install

10 Awesome Chrome Extensions You Should Install
Google Chrome is my default browser and has been so for more than a year. I use Firefox also because it has some great add-ons that still can’t be beat. However, a lot of plugins that used to only work on Firefox also now work with Chrome, which is great. In this post, I’m going […]
10 Awesome Chrome Extensions You Should Install

Want to Automatically Logout of Gmail or Google Account?
Want to Automatically Logout of Gmail or Google Account?

I use a lot of Google products like Gmail, YouTube, Google Docs, Google Calendar, etc, etc, and so does everyone in my family. The one problem with this situation is that if you don’t log off your Gmail or Google account, then the next person that comes around can access your entire Google life! So

Create Shortcuts to Customized Google Analytics Reports

I use a lot of Google products like Gmail
Google Analytics is a great free tool from Google that millions of small and large websites use to keep track of their website visitors. The Google Analytics team has released a new feature that makes viewing customized reports a lot easier. The feature is called Shortcuts and it basically lets you view a report with […]

5 Google+ Tips Everyone Should Know
5 Google+ Tips Everyone Should Know

If you’re one of those people using Facebook and Google+ regularly, then you probably feel annoyed that you have to learn two totally different systems for staying connected to your social network. It’s actually a lot of work understand how to share, stream, subscribe, block, hide, etc, etc on both networks. I’ve been using Google

How to Share a Google Calendar
How to Share a Google Calendar

Google Calendar is great. I can access it from any computer, sync it to my smartphone, and sync it to my desktop email app and lots more. It’s simple to use and has a ton of features. One of the nice features that I’ve only started using recently is sharing a Google calendar. When you […]

Google Chrome Running Too Many Processes?
Google Chrome Running Too Many Processes?

I love using Google Chrome for browsing the Internet and one of the main reasons has always been because it’s super fast! I never liked the bloat of Firefox with all the add-ons and Internet Explorer is just plain slow. So when I started using Chrome I was delighted with the simple clean interface and […]

Store Files on Google GDrive
Store Files on Google GDrive

Rumors about a file-sharing services sponsored by Google have been rampant the past few months, especially after Microsoft revamped SkyDrive last week. Google officially released GDrive this week, and so far, the reviews are so-so. Google products have been hit-and-miss lately, with the Buzz social network completely flopping and Google+ failing to live up to […]
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Instructions on how to log off Facebook Messenger on Android phones

Instructions on how to log off Facebook Messenger on Android phones

Instructions on how to log off Facebook Messenger on Android phones. No buttons Logout Messenger but you can get an account with this procedure.

Surely the use of Facebook Messenger app on Android, you will face many difficulties can not find the button Logout or Quit Facebook account. In the meantime some more Facebook application buttons on Messenger, you temporarily exit the account as instructed below nha

Instructions on how to log off Facebook Messenger app on your Android phone

Note: Make sure you exit the app Facebook account before applying this procedure to exit Messenger dentist. Since we linked that.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings on your phone.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings on your phone.

Step 2: Select Application.
Step 2: Select Application.

Step 3: Select the Messenger application.
Step 3: Select the Messenger application.

Step 4: Click Delete Data.
Step 5: Press the OK button to confirm.

Step 5: Press the OK button to confirm

Now Facebook account on your Messenger has been signed already.
Now Facebook account on your Messenger has been signed already.

Good luck!!!
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Create a Personal Website Quickly using Google Sites

Create a Personal Website Quickly using Google Sites

Ever wanted to quickly create a webpage for your neighborhood book club or sports team? Or maybe a personal page that you can share with your friends and family for a specific event like a wedding or birthday party?
If you do a Google search, you’ll get hundreds of listings on creating web pages instantly using templates, etc, but you normally have to spend a little bit of money. Those sites will get you a pretty looking site and it’ll probably be really customizable, but sometimes you just need to create something super simple, you don’t care what it looks like and you don’t want to spend a cent.
Google Sites can solve that problem for you because all you need is a Google account! Google Sites has been around for a long time, but it’s not terribly well known. The main reason is that Google only markets it to Google Apps for Work users, but it can be used by anyone. Here is an example website that I create with Google Sites in just the last 45 minutes to write this article.
Create a Personal Website Quickly using Google Sites
Create a Personal Website Quickly using Google Sites
As you can see, it’s a really simple webpage with a bunch of widgets added in two columns. It’s nothing fancy, but it gets the job done for a small family website. Also, if you do know a bit of coding and are tech-savvy, you can make the site look much more professional. For Google Apps users, you get 10 GB of space, but for non-app users, you get only 100 MB, so it’s really meant to be a small site.
By default, the site will have a URL starting with, but you can easily use a custom domain name if you have already bought one or purchase one using Google Domains or any other domain registrar.
To get started, go to and click on the Create button to create your first web site.
To start off, you can pick from a couple of templates like sports team, classroom site, wedding, etc. Make sure to click on the Browse the gallery for more link because there are many more templates broken down into categories like activities & events, business collaboration, schools & education, clubs & organizations, etc.
Give your site a name and then customize the end of the URL if you like. By default, it’ll just be sites/ You can change it to something else, but it has to be unique amongst all the Google Sites created in the world. If you chose a blank template, you can select a theme also. Click the I’m not a robot button and then click Create at the top.
You’ll now be brought to the home page for your new site. The important section is at the top where you can edit the current page, create a new page and adjust the settings for the page and the site.

The first thing I would suggest doing is to click on the gear icon and then click on the Manage site link at the bottom

Here you can configure a bunch of options like the site name, site description, the landing page, etc. You can also setup a site notice, which will pop up a message for all visitors of the website. If you want, you can configure Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools here also. At the bottom, there is an option to make the site responsive by adjusting it for mobile phones.
site setting

On the left side, you can also see recent site activity, all your pages, attachments that you upload, page templates you can use, apps scripts, sharing and permissions and themes/colors/fonts. The last section lets you add a header image and change the font, color and size for the text in various sections of the site like content area, sidebar, navigation, etc.
Once you have configured the site settings, it’s time to make sure you pick the layout you want for the entire site. To do that, go back to your homepage and then click on the gear icon again. This time click on Edit site layout.
It’s really easy to change the layout of the site. By default, Header and Sidebar are selected and enabled. If you want to remove or add a section, just click on the appropriate button at the top. When you have the sections you want, you can then hover your mouse over the section to edit it. You can also choose a custom site width if you like. For example, when you click on the header, you’ll get all the header options you can configure.

You can click on the sidebar to choose whether you want it on the right or left side of the site and adjust the width. You can click on the footer to choose what links you want there, etc. If you choose to add a custom footer, you can insert images, tables, etc. For my example page shown above, I got rid of the sidebar and the header.
After these two items have been completed, it’s time to start editing and creating pages. Before we get into that, there is one more concept to understand. In Google Sites, you can create four types of pages: Web Page, Announcements, File Cabinet and List. The home page is set to web page as default.
An Announcements page is a blog page with posts listed in chronological order. A File Cabinet page lets you upload files and will list them on the page. A List page allows you to create a list of items and displays them in table format. You can change the template for a page anytime by clicking on the gear icon while on the page and choose Change page template.
Now go back to your home page and click on the little pencil icon at the top to edit the page. You’ll see a new menu across the top of the page.
In my example page, I chose Two column (simple). Now you can start adding stuff to your page! To add a table, click on the Table menu item and choose the size of your table in terms of rows and columns. To insert anything else, click on the Insert menu option.

You can only add those to a page if you have already created an Announcements page, File Cabinet page and List page, respectively. In my example page shown at the top, those three items are added in the second column. When working with text, you can click on the Format tab to pick different heading styles, etc.
Lastly, you can create a new page by clicking on the Create Page button that is directly to the left of the Settings button.
Give you page a name, choose a page template and then choose the location of your page. You can create a top level page or put it under a different page.
Well, those are the basics for creating a simple webpage or website with Google Sites. It’s nothing to write home about, but it’s very easy to use and learn. It’s also completely free, which is nice. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!

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All in One SEO WordPress Plugin

 All in One SEO WordPress Plugin
All in One SEO Pack is a WordPress SEO plugin to automatically optimize your WordPress blog for Search Engines such as Google. Dowload
 All in One SEO WordPress Plugin
 All in One SEO WordPress Plugin
SEO WordPress Plugin All in One is the choice of many SEOer today. This plugin will help you add the description tag "meta" and the word "keyword" for page, post viet..Tuy course instead use the "All in One SEO WordPress", I advise people using WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast, it's free plugin for wordpress plugin list the best for Seo.

 All in One SEO WordPress Plugin

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How to add meta tags and meta Description Keyword in Blog?

 How to add meta tags and meta Description Keyword in Blog?
You want to get high rankings in Google, Bing, Yahoo .... ?? This is to do? simple answer here is: help your blog get more traffic. Then indispensable Meta Description tag and Meta Keyword tags are referred to as Meta Tag in your blog.
 How to add meta tags and meta Description Keyword in Blog?

Meta tags are descriptive tags in your blog page makes the search engines are all things of the blog. Add meta tags are a critical factor in SEO. (Search Engine Optimization). Meta Tags enable search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words, Meta tags communicate with the search engines and for more information on your website and make it display correctly.

We must add two major meta tags in the header of your template. The first is the description Meta Description for your site and then a Meta Keywords tag saying about your website.

So How to add meta tags and meta Description Keyword in Blog?

You can follow the instructions below:

1. Go to "Template" -> "Edit HTML" in your blog.

"Edit HTML" in your blog.

2. Navigate to the following code:
<b:include data="blog" name="all-head-content">
3. Add the code below-------------------------

<meta content = 'DESCRIPTION HERE' name = 'description' />

<meta content = "KEYWORDS HERE 'name =' keywords' />

<meta content = 'AUTHOR NAME HERE' name = 'author' />

You can see like below:

3. Add the code below

DESCRIPTION HERE: Write your blog description

KEYWORDS: Write your blog keywords

AUTHOR NAME: Write the name of the blog owner

Now when you press "Save" again. So you have more Description and Meta Keyword meta tags on your blog already. Wish you quickly to the top.
Video instructions

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